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SMERSH- 'Smyert Shpionam,' meaning roughly: 'Death to Spies.'

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EON Productions movies
1.  Dr No 1962
2.  From Russia With Love
3.  Goldfinger 1964
4.  Thunderball 1965
5.  You Only Live Twice
6.  On Her Majesty`s Secret Service
7.  Diamonds Are Forever1971
8.  Live And Let Die 1973
The Man With The Golden Gun
10.The Spy Who Loved Me
11.Moonraker 1979
12.For Your Eyes Only 1981
13.Octopussy 1983  
14.A View To A Kill 1985  
15.The Living Daylights
16.Licence To Kill 1989
Goldeneye 1995
18.Tomorrow Never Dies1997
19.The World Is Not Enough
20.Die Another Day 2002
21.Casino Royale 2006
22.Quantum Of Solace 2008
23.James Bond  23 2012
James Bond  24

Not included in 
Bondserie or
EON Productions

Casino Royale 1954
Casino Royale 1967
Never Say Never Again 1983

Albert "Cubby"Broccoli
Harry Saltzman
Barbara Broccoli
Michael G,Wilson

Writers to all Bond books
Ian Fleming  
Amis Kingsley
Raymond Benson 
John Gardner
Charlie Higson
Sebastian Faulks
Jeffery Deaver
Neal Purvis screenwriter
Robert Wade

James Bond actors
Barry Nelson
Sean Connery

George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig

James Bond Composers
Monty Norman 1

John Barry 11
George Martin 1
Marvin Hamlisch 1
Bill Conti 1
Michael Kamen 1

Eric Serra 1

David Arnold 
James Bond Music
22 Best Bondsoundtrack

Honey Ryder Ursula Andress
Britt Ekland 
Izabella Scorupco
Maud Adams 
Kristina Wayborn
Mary Stavin 
Halle Berry JINX

Bond Villians
Jaws (Rickard Kiel) Pinewood Studios 
Bond composer John Barry 
dies aged 77. 31

Appendix B.
Subject: SMERSH
Sources: Own archives and scanty material made available by Deuxieme Bureau and C.I.A. Washington.
    SMERSH is a conjunction of two Russian words: 'Smyert Shpionam,' meaning roughly: 'Death to Spies.'

    Ranks above M.W.D. (formerly N.K.V.D.) and is believed to come under the personal direction of Beria.

    Headquarters: Leningrad (substation at Moscow)

    Its task is the elimination of all forms of treachery and back-sliding within the various branches of the Soviet Secret Service and the Secret Police at home and abroad. It is the most powerful and feared organization in the U.S.S.R. and is popularly believed never to have failed in a mission of vengeance.

     It is thought that SMERSH was responsible for the assassination of Trotsky in Mexico (22 August 1940) and may indeed have made its name with this successful murder after attempts by other Russian individuals and organizations had failed.

    SMERSH was next heard of when Hitler attacked Russia. It was then rapidly expanded to cope with treachery and double agents during the retreat of Soviet forces in 1941. At that time it worked as an execution squad for the N.K.V.D., and its present selective mission was not so clearly defined.

    The organization itself was thoroughly purged after the war and is now believed to consist of only a few hundred operatives of very high quality divided into five sections.
      Department I: In charge of counterintelligence among Soviet organizations at home and abroad.
      Department II: Operations, including executions.
      Department III: Administration and Finance.
      Department IV: Investigations and legal work. Personnel.
      Department V: Prosecutions: the section which passes final judgment on all victims.
    Only one SMERSH operative has come into our hands since the war: Goytchev, alias Garrad-Jones. He shot Petchora, medical officer at the Yugoslav Embassy, in Hyde Park, 7 August 1948. During interrogation he committed suicide by swallowing a coat-button of compressed potassium cyanide. He revealed nothing beyond his membership of SMERSH, of which he was arrogantly boastful.

    We believe that the following British double agents were victims of SMERSH: Donovan, Harthrop-Vane, Elizabeth Dumont Ventnor, Mace, Savarin. (For details see Morgue: Section Q.)
Conclusion: Every effort should be made to improve our knowledge of this very powerful organization and destroy its operatives.
Source: Fleming, Ian, Casino Royale, (New York: Gildrose Productions Ltd., 1953), 22-24
All information is factually correct and relevant to 1953

Description: This man kills 002 and 004 at Gibraltar before being chased down by Bond and meeting his own demise at the hands of an exploding jeep.


The Living Daylights 1987 - Timothy Dalton Iskallt Uppdrag
The Living Daylights 1987  
Timothy Dalton
Iskallt Uppdrag

The use of the Russian phrase "Smert Shpionam" ("Death to Spies") is a reference to SMERSH, the Russian spy agency James Bond combated in the early Ian Fleming novels. It was mentioned in only one previous Bond film, From Russia With Love 1963.

004 Frederick Warder
Description: Along with 004 and 007, 002 parachutes into the training mission in Gibraltar and is killed when the assassin cuts the rope he is using to scale the face of the mountain.
004 Frederick Warder Gibraltar  from The Living Daylights

SMERSH (Russian: СМЕРШ, acronym of SMERt' SHpionam, Russian: СМЕРть Шпионам, English: Death to Spies) was the counter-intelligence agency in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially founded on April 14, 1943.[1][2] The name SMERSH was coined by Joseph Stalin. The pretext for its creation was to subvert the attempts by German forces to infiltrate the Red Army, especially after the Third Battle of Kharkov, which inflicted staggering losses on the Russians during World War II.[3] SMERSH was less concerned about the counter-intelligence (covered by NKGB "Special Services"), than about the loyalty of the Red Army's own servicemen and Commanders. Stalin, obsessed with conspiracies and espionage, needed an additional watchdog to deal with the strategic crises, and SMERSH filled that role. The organization was officially in existence until March or April 1946, when its duties were transferred back to NKGB.[4] The head of the agency throughout its existence was Viktor Abakumov, who rose to become Minister of State Security in the postwar years.

SMERSJ (ryska: СМЕРШ, förkortning av Smert "SHpionam, ryska: СМЕРть Шпионам, Engelska: Death to Spies) var counter-underrättelsetjänsten i Röda armén bildades i slutet av 1942 eller ännu tidigare, men officiellt bildades den 14 april 1943. [1] [2] namnet SMERSJ myntades av Joseph Stalin. Förevändningen för sin skapelse var att undergräva försöken av tyska styrkor för att infiltrera den röda armén, särskilt efter den tredje slaget vid Charkov, som tillfogade svindlande förluster ryssarna under andra världskriget [3]. SMERSJ var mindre bekymrade över mot-intelligens (som omfattas av NKGB "speciella tjänster"), än om lojalitet Röda arméns egna militärer och befälhavare. Stalin, besatt av konspirationer och spionage, behövde en extra vakthund för att hantera strategiska kriser och SMERSJ fyllde den rollen. Organisationen var officiellt existerade fram till mars eller april 1946, när dess uppgifter överfördes tillbaka till NKGB. [4] Chefen för byrån under hela dess existens var Viktor Abakumov, som steg till att bli minister för statens säkerhet under efterkrigstiden.



March 27th 2025

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Contact: , tel. +46-481-12960 .Open Daily 10.00 - 17.00 (lunch 13-14)  Sat 10.00-14.00
Adress: James Bond 007 Museum, Emmabodav.20, 382 45 Nybro, Sweden   0481-12960

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