Gunnar Schäfer name is James Bond
Visitors in James Bond Museum Sweden

Welcome  to The worlds first James Bond 007 Museum 0481-12960  Nybro Sweden  .

Since 1959 James Bond 007 Museum Sweden, Nybro.
The 007 museum 1000 sq.
m. world`s only James Bond 007 Museum
Emmabodav. 20, 38245  Nybro


Contact: Kontakta oss  Phone+4648112960  

Donations/Gåvor James Bond 007 Museum  Nybro Sweden

Gillar Du Bond, Ian Fleming och vill stödja Sveriges och Världens första James Bond-museum? Leta efter pappa som försvann 1959?

I så fall kan Du hjälpa till genom att sätta in ett bidrag, litet eller stort, på bankgiro 107-9433 eller postgirot 4916908-9

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Eller Postgirot 4916908-9
Bankgiro 107-9433


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Sweden`s news in English

James Bond "A Father Figure"
Author: James Bond Gunnar Schäfer

James Bond's father Johannes Schäfer 100 years  28th March 2011. Johannes was born in 1911 in Rosenberg Germany.In 1959 Schäfer's father, who had been a German secret service agent during the Second World War, disappeared in mysterious circumstances 




Like Bond, Ian Fleming and want to support Sweden's and the world's first James Bond 007 Museum? 
Look for
father who disappeared in 1959?

If so, you can help by inserting a contribution, large or small, on the bank giro 107-9433 or postal giro 4916908-9

Do not forget to write "Gift to the James Bond Museum". We thank you in advance and hope that we can reach out to even more people to the museum there.

On our website you can follow all the activities going forward.
Submit your information on

I support the James Bond 007 Museum ...

Sweden`s news in English

Pris 249:- signerat ex. "JAMES BOND EN FADERSGESTALT"  Författare:  Gunnar Bond James Schäfer
Johannes Schäfer Ian Fleming and Gunnar Bond James Schäfer

JAMES BOND "EN FADERSGESTALT"  Författare:  Gunnar Bond James Schäfer

Pris 249:- signerat ex. inklusive frakt

Paper: JAMES BOND "A Father Figure"
Author: Gunnar Bond James Schäfer
Price 249: - signed copy. including shipping
Only in Swedish
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Copyright © 1959-2024  All Rights Reserved         
James Bond 007 Museum Nybro, Sweden.  
Contact:  tel. +46-481-12960 
Adress: James Bond 007 Museum, Emmabodav. 20  382 45 Nybro, Sweden   0481-12960

James Bond Materials© 1962 - 2024  United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo© 1962 United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo, Iris Logo, 
JAMES BOND and all other James Bond related trademarks - Danjaq, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright