Ski-Doo MX Z (E) 600 HO (R) snowmobile featured in new James Bond film, Die
Another Day 2002.
New in The James
Bond museum Nybro Sweden
SKI Doo MXZ REV 600 H.O./800/ 007 James Bond Edition 2003
Ski Doo 600
Limited Edition James Bond 600 H0, 2-stroke electric/ pull start & reverse, retrax ski wheels, gauge pkg (red lighting), carbon fibre mirrors and dash, heated grips and thumb warmers, helmet shield plug option, msrp $11,249 The Bombardier Ski-Doo MX Z-REV 800 snowmobile is featured prominently in wintery Icelandic action scenes of Die Another Day. According to the movie's producers, this stock Bombardier model answered the need for "a sophisticated snowmobile with a high-tech edge." Bombardier made a specially trimmed "007 Special Edition" variant of this sled available, on a one-per-dealer basis, at a suggested retail price of $11,249. Bombardier designers kept special agent James Bond in mind when developing the look of this special edition model - a black and silver body accented with red and chrome. rer electric start electric temp gauge electric fuel gauge 007 like cover
2003 Bombardier Ski-Doo MX Z-REV James Bond limited edition
Engine: 85 kw
Weight: 258 kg.
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
from Bond movie "Die Another Day" 2002
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
Winter in James Bond 007 Museum Sweden Nybro with James Bond on his Ski-Doo snowmobile
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![]() Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in Die Another Day. The official snowmobile of James Bond ski-doo MX Z-REV Many thanks from James Bond Gunnar Schäfer and his James Bond 007 Museum in Sweden ,Nybro town for the poster and the ski doo 007 plate. Dear Sir,
Congratulations for your James Bond Museum. It is a wonderful idea! The
photos look grate!
After talking with the marketing team here in Canada, they informed me
that we used 12 Ski-Doo snowmobiles for the set, in the 2002 Bond movie
"Die another day".
Also we produced 1000 James Bond snowmobiles at that time.
We don't have much material left but we are happy to send you a James
Bond poster with Pierce Brosnan sit on the Ski-Doo snowmobile and some
car plates.
We wish you a long life to your Museum and thank you for your interest
in our product.
![]() |
Dear Sir,
Congratulations for your James
Bond Museum. It is a wonderful idea! The photos look grate!
After talking with the marketing
team here in Canada, they informed me that we used 12 Ski-Doo
snowmobiles for the set, in the 2002 Bond movie "Die another day".
Also we produced 1000 James Bond
snowmobiles at that time.
We don't have much material left
but we are happy to send you a James Bond poster with Pierce Brosnan sit
on the Ski-Doo snowmobile and some car plates.
We wish you a long life to your
Museum and thank you for your interest in our product.
Ski-Doo releases limited edition Bond Rev
Published: August 26, 2002
Ski-Doo releaser
begränsad upplaga Bond Rev
Genom AmSnow personal Publicerad: 26 augusti, 2002 Ski-Doo visade en ny skoter förra augusti med avtäckningen på Brickyard 400 NASCAR tävlingen i Indianapolis. Ski-Doo firar sin senaste razzia i filmer med en ny, specialutgåva 007 Rev modell. Rev gör sin filmdebut i den nya James Bond filmen, Die Another Day, när Bond tar en släde att lägga ut köra skurkarna på Island. För att fira händelsen är Ski-Doo erbjuder en specialutgåva Rev i svart och silver, med röda och krom accenter. Det kommer att vara speciell Bond och 007 bilder på kroppen arbete, sits och styre pad. Den 007 Rev kommer att finnas i både 600 HO och 800 storlekar. 007 varvar kommer att finnas tillgängliga i mycket begränsad mängd-en per återförsäljare, för konsumenterna att köpa. Det kommer också att finnas fem varvar ges bort som en del av Ski-Doo föll marknadsföring: Ski-Doo 007 Mission. Du hittar din spelpjäs i insatsen mellan sidorna 24 och 25 i just denna fråga. Ta spelpjäs till din lokala Ski-Doo återförsäljare och avkoda den för ta reda på vad värdefullt pris du har vunnit. De första 60 personer in i återförsäljaravtalet mellan den 1 september och den 30 november med sin spelpjäs kommer att få en jubileums 007 Ski-Doo nyckelring. Andra priser i Promotion inkluderar en VIP-resa till Hollywood och Ski-Doo 007 plattor av rostfritt stål licens. Ski-Doo kommer också att ha ett särskilt avsnitt på sin hemsida med trailers, exklusiva bilder och ett spel. Konsumenterna kan få fler spel chanser genom att spela Ski-Doo 007 Mission spel där spelarna är en MI-6 agent lotsa ett rev, förrädisk terräng och kämpa missdådare. Slutligen, som en del av marknadsföring är Ski-Doo erbjuder en delar, kläder och tillbehör voucher som en rabatt när du köper en 2003 släde. Om du köper en ny långfristig 2001-02 modellen, kommer din rabatt i schack form. Mängden av rabatten kan höjas upp till $ 1000 genom att snurra hjulet på din återförsäljare i alltid satsa på gul Roulette spel. "Det Bond pertnership är mer än ett tema", säger Ski-Doo: s marknadschef, Jean-Francois Guertin. "Vi ser till att varje del av främjandet har en rolig twist till det."
Ski-Doo ® MX Z ®-REVTM snöskoter kommer att presenteras i MGM
Pictures och EON Productions Die Another Day *, den senaste episoden av
den mycket populära James Bond * filmen serien, producerad av Michael
G. Wilson och Barbara Broccoli.
"MGM val definitivt talar till Bombardier förmåga att producera de mest tekniskt innovativa och avancerade fordon på marknaden, som kännetecknas av en mycket sofistikerad design", säger Michel Baril, VD och Chief Operating Officer för Bombardier Recreational Products. "Vi är glada att visa upp vår ledande Ski-Doo snöskoter i den senaste kapitlet i Bond-serien", tillade Mr Baril. "När det stod klart att vi behövde en spännande fordon som skall med i ett Island story, forskat vi skotern marknaden och såg till Bombardier för att dela sin expertis och leverera en sofistikerad snöskoter med en högteknologisk kanten. Bombardier Ski-Doo MX Z-REV snöskoter passar räkningen perfekt ", säger Mr Keith Snelgrove, Senior Vice President Global Business Strategy of EON Productions (Bond Marketing Inc.). Bombardier levereras 14 snöskotrar samt top-of-the-line Ski-Doo kläder redskap för filmen. Hörnstenen i Bombardier-007 * partnerskap är den begränsade upplagan Ski-Doo MX Z-REV 007 skoter. Bombardier designers höll Special Agent James Bond i åtanke när man utvecklar utseendet på denna specialutgåva modell - en svart och silver kropp accenter med rött och krom. Ungefär som de smarta prylar som mästare ingenjör Q och hans team av experter har tagit fram för världens populäraste spion för mer än 40 år, har Bombardier MX Z-REV 007 skoter alla de senaste tekniska innovationerna. Ett tusen av Bombardiers speciella utgåva Ski-Doo MX Z-REV 007 snöskotrar kommer att finnas tillgänglig för försäljning till kunder i Kanada, USA och Skandinavien. |
Valcourt, Québec - 2003-07-08
« Nous sommes enthousiastes à l'idée de poursuivre cette relation unique avec Blair Morgan Racing pour trois nouvelles saisons », a déclaré Pierre Arsenault, vice-président, ventes et marketing, Motoneiges, Motomarines et VTT. « Grâce à leurs performances, Blair et son équipe ont vraiment permis de démontrer les caractéristiques incroyables de nos motoneiges MX ZMC-REVMC et les retombées sur la marque Ski Doo sont remarquables. » Fondée en 2001, BMR est une des équipes les plus performantes dans les courses de motoneiges professionnelles. Blair Morgan (7c) a remporté l'an dernier le championnat de saison du Pro Open et du Pro Stock de la World Snowmobile Association (WSA). Son coéquipier Carl Kuster (47c) s'est classé troisième dans les deux catégories. Amanda Johnson de BMR a pour sa part terminé en tête de la catégorie Pro Women. L'équipe Ski-Doo X-Team a connu des succès sans pareil la saison dernière, remportant plus de 35 classes des championnats en Amérique du Nord. Une large part de ce succès est due à la toute nouvelle plate forme REV, à des pilotes, des mécaniciens et des équipiers professionnels entièrement dédiés à la tâche. « Nous poursuivons avec Bombardier car nous partageons tous deux le même objectif : la victoire », a dit Blair Morgan, propriétaire et coureur de BMR. Les motoneiges de course Ski-Doo ont prouvé qu'elles étaient les meilleures. Et les gens de Ski-Doo nous ont prouvé qu'ils étaient les meilleurs collaborateurs. » Blair Morgan a subi de graves blessures le 21 juin au cours d'une course de motocross en Colombie-Britannique, dont la cause semble provenir d'un problème mécanique. « Blair se rétablit bien, reçoit les meilleurs soins possibles et se reposera chez lui en compagnie de son épouse Terri et de son fils Corbin », a déclaré Wayne Madsen, directeur administratif de BMR. « Les médecins estiment que Blair sera complètement rétabli pour le début de la saison prochaine de courses de motoneiges. » Bombardier Produits récréatifs conçoit, développe, fabrique, distribue et commercialise des véhicules utilitaires, les moteurs et les karts Rotax®, les motoneiges Ski Doo® et Lynx®, les VTT BombardierMC, les motomarines et bateaux sport Sea Doo®, ainsi que les moteurs hors bord Johnson® et Evinrude®, la technologie d'injection directe Evinrude et la technologie Evinrude E-TECMC. Bombardier Inc., société manufacturière et de services diversifiée, est un chef de file mondial dans la fabrication d'avions d'affaires, d'avions de transport régional, de matériel de transport sur rail ainsi que de produits récréatifs motorisés. Elle offre également des services financiers et de gestion d'actifs dans des secteurs liés à ses compétences. La Société, dont le siège social est situé à Montréal au Canada, compte des effectifs de quelque 75 000 personnes et des installations manufacturières dans 25 pays dans les Amériques, en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique. Son chiffre d'affaires pour l'exercice clos le 31 janvier 2003 s'élevait à 23,7 milliards $ CAN. Les actions de Bombardier se négocient aux bourses de Toronto, de Bruxelles et de Francfort (BBD, BOM et BBDd.F). ®,MC Marques de commerce de
Bombardier Inc. ou de ses sociétés affiliées. Source d'information :
/ James Bond President
/ Direktor Tele:
Ski-Doo snowmobile featured in new James Bond film, Die Another Day
Montréal, Québec -
2002-11-04 "MGM's choice definitely speaks to Bombardier's ability to produce the most technologically innovative and advanced vehicles on the market, characterized by a highly sophisticated design," said Mr. Michel Baril, President and Chief Operating Officer of Bombardier Recreational Products. "We are excited to showcase our leading-edge Ski-Doo snowmobile in this latest chapter of the Bond series," added Mr. Baril. "When it became clear that we needed an exciting vehicle to be featured in an Iceland storyline, we researched the snowmobile market and looked to Bombardier to share its expertise and supply a sophisticated snowmobile with a high-tech edge. The Bombardier Ski-Doo MX Z-REV snowmobile fit the bill perfectly," stated Mr. Keith Snelgrove, Senior Vice President Global Business Strategy of EON Productions (Bond Marketing Inc.). Bombardier supplied 14 snowmobiles as well as top-of-the-line Ski-Doo clothing gear for the film. The cornerstone of the Bombardier-007* partnership is the limited edition Ski-Doo MX Z-REV 007 snowmobile. Bombardier designers kept special agent James Bond in mind when developing the look of this special edition model - a black and silver body accented with red and chrome. Much like the clever gadgets that master engineer Q and his team of experts have crafted for the world's favorite spy for more than 40 years, the Bombardier MX Z-REV 007 snowmobile features all the latest technological innovations. One thousand of Bombardier's special edition Ski-Doo MX Z-REV 007 snowmobiles will be available for sale to customers in Canada, the United States and Scandinavia. Audiences will soon be able to catch the Bombardier snowmobile's featured appearance in Die Another Day, opening in theatres in Canada, the U.S. and U.K. on November 22, 2002. Starring Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike, Rick Yune, John Cleese and Judi Dench, Die Another Day was directed by Lee Tamahori from a script by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade. Bombardier Recreational Products designs, develops, builds, distributes and markets utility vehicles, Rotax® engines, Ski-Doo® and Lynx® snowmobiles, BombardierTM ATVs, Sea-Doo® watercraft and sport boats, Bombardier Fish HawkTM as well as Evinrude® and Johnson® outboard marine engines and Ficht® direct fuel injection technology. Bombardier Inc., a diversified manufacturing and services company, is a world leading manufacturer of business jets, regional aircraft, rail transportation equipment and motorized recreational products. It also provides financial services and asset management in business areas aligned with its core expertise. Headquartered in Montréal, Canada, the Corporation has a workforce of some 80,000 people in 24 countries throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2002 stood at $21.6 billion Cdn. Bombardier trades on the Toronto, Brussels and Frankfurt stock exchanges (BBD, BOM and BBDd.F). ®, TM
Trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. Note to the editor: Photos avalaible: For information: Montréal, Québec - 2002-11-04 The Ski-Doo® MX Z®-REVTM snowmobile is truly different from anything else on the snow. Bombardier's advanced design team and ergonomics consultant moved the driving position significantly forward on the vehicle. This dramatic position shift enhances the overall handling and performance of this innovative snowmobile, and seats the driver more comfortably for riding. Moving the rider forward is the most radical change in snowmobile architecture in more than 40 years. The styling of Ski-Doo MX Z-REV snowmobile is as impressive as its ergonomics. Its revolutionary architecture allowed the designers and engineers to revisit the entire proportion of this snowmobile, thereby creating a very unique, state of the art snowmobile. The Ski-Doo REV's superb blend of art and science demonstrate how Bombardier engineering and design combine their efforts to create ground-breaking, industry-leading products. As a result of these, and numerous other important departures from traditional snowmobile design, the MX Z-REV snowmobile was proven last season to be a superior performer on snowmobile race tracks. Racers on MX Z-REV snowmobiles dominated the rugged snocross circuit by winning 14 of the 17 major events. Two of these wins included the ESPN Winter X-Games gold medals. The MX Z-REV snowmobile is a winner in the showroom too. It offers many cool features such as, a full, easy-access trunk, side-panel engine access and electronic gauges directly influenced by the latest automotive technology, including full needle sweep at start-up activation. That's why, when EON Productions of the James Bond movies wanted a
snowmobile in tune with their reputation for futuristic technology, they
chose the For more information on the Ski-Doo MX Z-REV and the Ski-Doo James Bond Promotion, including videos and an online action game, visit www.skidoo.com. |
James Bond
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