Arla Plast AB´s PETG used in the "Die Another Day" James Bond movie!
Arla Plast AB has supplied a large quantity of
special sized GRIPHEN™, PETG sheets to the Thompson Plastics
Group in the UK to make the “ice” panels as a backdrop for
the latest James Bond movie “Die Another Day”. The
material was chosen for its outstanding properties, notably
its formability and its spread of flame characteristics, which
makes it flame resistant.
The 400 thermoplastic panels
that were ordered each measured 4 metres by 2 metres. “It
has really been exciting to follow this project of making “ice”
out of our PETG material and as you would expect from one of
Europe’s leading thermoformers Thompson Plastics has made an
excellent job out of our sheets. ”, says Kim Warren Sales
Manager at Arla Plast in the UK.
Geoff Oliver,
director & general manager of A&G Moulding, the
Thompson Plastics Group company, which managed the project,
said, "Arla worked well to meet not just a short
timescale but also to supply exactly what we wanted exactly on
PETG is extremely easy to fabricate and to thermoform,
it has excellent transparency and high impact strength and is
a material that is gaining more and more in popularity.
ARLA PLAST AB Arla Plast AB has, since the start
in 1969, focused on extrusion of solid plastics sheets.
Today the main products are Polycarbonate, Polyesters and
ABS. The company is privately owned and is today one of
Europe’s leading suppliers of extruded thermoplastic sheet,
exporting 80% of its production. Arla Plast AB covers the
whole of Europe with six European sales offices strategically
situated on the continent and in the UK. |
Arla Plast AB´s PETG used in the "Die
Another Day" James Bond movie!
James Bond movie “Die Another Day”.
Plasten som användes i filmen finns i James Bond museet i Nybro.
Vi har haft turen att få tag i samma plast som användes i "Die Another
Day", den går även att köpa ett prov för att ta med hem.
Plasten används i innertaket och i baren även på wc.
Arla Plast AB har levererat en stor mängd särskilda
storlekssorterad GRIPHEN ™, PETG ark till Thompson Plast Group i
Storbritannien för att göra "is"-paneler som en kuliss för
den senaste James Bond filmen "Die another day".
Materialet valdes för dess enastående egenskaper, särskilt dess
formbarhet och dess spridning av lågan egenskaper, vilket gör det brandsäkra.
Plast AB has supplied a large quantity of special sized GRIPHEN™, PETG
sheets to the Thompson Plastics Group in the UK to make the “ice”
panels as a backdrop for the latest James Bond movie “Die Another
material was chosen for its outstanding properties, notably its
formability and its spread of flame characteristics, which makes it
flame resistant.

Tv spels
avdelning med bla. Nintendo,
Playstation2 med Goldeneye, The World is Not Enough, Agent under fire
Bond bibliotek
James Bond - the ultimate dossier
Två välfyllda CD-skivor med all möjlig och omöjlig information om
James Bond, med över 55 minuter filmklipp, 22 minuter musik och ljud,
1800 bilder, 850 detaljerade artiklar och ett spel med över 400
Hela programmet andas den stämning som finns i Bondfilmerna. Det är
lite mystik, härlig musik och fina bilder. Alla brudarna finns där
naturligtvis, liksom alla fiender och alla Bonds finurliga prylar och
Varje film presenteras i kronologisk ordning och till varje film hör
självklart uppgifter om brudar, skurkar, allierade, bilar och andra
När du läst och lärt massor om Bond så kan du testa dina kunskaper
i ett spel.
med Ian Flemings böcker 14 st och annan
musikavdelning och film med Lp skivor
singlar i vinyl, cd skivor med alla James Bond soundtrack.
avdelning vidieofilmer
,laserdiskskivor ( föregångaren till dvd skivan) och alla dvd bondfilmer
med massor av bakom
kulisserna intervjuer med bla.
svenska bondbrudar, Maud Adams, Izabella Scorupco, Britt Ekland, Ckristina
Wayborn och Mary
Starvin och mycket mera.
orginalofografier från bondfilmer i ett
Orginal affischer
från alla bondfilmer,stora som små.
Bonds isbar samma tema som i filmen
Die another day samt att kunna spela black jack
och casino,
James Bonds alla bilar
från Corgi
Det blir en stora förändringar med massor
av saker som kommer att hända i James Bond museet & shopen.
Det går bra att boka in era
företagsfester redan nu ,konferanser , bondevent ,skolavslutningar
,födelsedagar mm.
Kontakta oss på 007museum@telia.com
eller ring redan idag 0481-12960 för bokning.
från pågående arbete

James Bond chess
set 007 By Little Lead Soldiers
complet with 32 figures die cast with superb finish.
James Bond, Miss Money Penny, Q, M, felix Leiter, Dr No, Goldfinger, Oddjob,
Rosa Kleeb and Octopussy. the Bond’s Team pawns modelledas Honney ryder, The
Bond’s vilains pawns modelled as Jill massterson painted gold. The Set Chess
is complet & 100 % ORIGINAL.
Mint In Box PERFECT C10 + :
More details!!
* With Instructions
* Each Figures Die cast scale 1/43°
* Two fitted drawers in display case printed with chess
* Very luxurious presentation with compartments separated
out of dark red velvet.
are build a new 007 museum in spring with bondcafe` a icebar like Die Another
We will use Arla Plast AB´s PETG "ICE" used in the latest
James Bond movie!
Cinema, orginal James Bond posters, alla bond soundtrack.
A speciell gamecorner with Playstation , Nintendo(Goldeneye,The World Is
Not Enough) .only with Bond the latest game "From Russia With Love"
All corgi modells from all bondmovies plus others.
Computer with the
The Ultimate James Bond (UJB) title.Plot: Title enables user to call up clips,
music, and visual information on Bond including complete shooting
scripts.Interface: "UJB sports a sleek, high-tech look with easy-to-use
interface as ingenious as one of Bond’s gadgets," according to company
spokesman Eric Lindbom. Users can explore eight different categories on Bond’s
film history, missions, lovers, and foes. Each section features an
introductory reel of clips.The mission of the title is to provide an
entertaining, visually elegant look at the James Bond phenomena.Graphics: UJB
features elegantly looking graphics to give is a first-class look and
feel.Voice actors and video actors: There is no overall narration, just the
original actors from the original bond movies.Musical score: Features all the
original Bond music from the films.Sound effects: A library of Bond sound
effects is included with the film clips.
You can make a reservation
for your company , just contact us 007museum@telia.com