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Welcome to the worlds first James Bond 007 Museum in  Sweden, Nybro.   www.007museum.com.      Bond 23 JAMES BOND MOVIE 23  MGM and Sony Pictures  UK release 23rd James Bond adventure will be Friday, 26th October, 2012  

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Contact 007museum@telia.com   www.007museum.com 0046-0481-12960,  James Bond Museum Emmabodav. 20 382 45 Nybro, Sweden  007 fanclub
VIP Event Rent James Bond 007 Museet  Bachelor party  Open Daily 10 -17 (lunch 13-14) Sat 10.00-14.00  Sunday closed  1962-2012 50 years, 22 films.
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Corgi 1:36 BMW Z3
Superbly detailed 1:36 scale Corgi model car from Goldeneye. Complete with collectable new film packaging. BMW Z3 On just the weekend of its US premier in November 1995, the 17th Bond adventure film jumped to No.1 in the box-ofice taking a staggering $26.2 million. Starring Pierce Brosnan as Bond, Goldeneye also featured the sleek BMW Z3 replicated here to 1:36 scale and featuring working front-firing 'Stinger' missiles. 
New Release!
Pris : 598:- US  :$59
Nr    : 007-90060

Corgi 1:36 BMW 750i
Superbly detailed 1:36 scale Corgi model car from Tomorrow Never Dies. Complete with collectable new film packaging.BMW 750i (Tomorrow Never Dies) Released simultaneously in London and the US in December 1997, Tomorrow Never Dies was the 18th Bond movie, starring Pierce Brosnan as 007 and Dame Judi Dench as his secret service boss.
Also 'starring' was the original of our 1:36 scale replica which includes
that rocket firing sunroof as a working feature.  New Release!
Pris : 598:- US  :$59
Nr   : 007-90070

Corgi 1:36 Lotus Esprit
Superbly detailed 1:36 scale Corgi model car from The Spy Who Loved Me. Complete with collectable new film packaging.Lotus Esprit (The Spy Who Loved Me) Remember those retractable fins for submersible operation, and the surface to air missiles fired from underwater? Here they are again, this time in 1:36 scale, based on the vehicle starring in Roger Moore's third outing as 007 in the 1977 box office hit (which cost $14 million to make and has since grossed no less than $185 million!)
Pris : 598:- US  :$59
Nr   : 007-90080

the WORLD is not ENOUGH
Corgi 1:36 BMW Z8
Superbly detailed 1:36 scale Corgi model car from The World Is Not Enough. Complete with collectable new film packaging. BMW Z8
From The World is not Enough with Pierce Brosnan. Stinger missiles are concealed behind the side air vents of this glamorous sports model, the car that helps save Bond's life before being sawn in half.
Pris : 598:- US   :$59
Nr    : 007-90090

Corgi 1:36 Toyota 2000GT

Superbly detailed 1:36 scale Corgi model car from You Only Live Twice. Complete with collectable new film packaging. Toyota 2000 GT (You Only Live Twice) The 5th Bond movie, You Only Live Twice was screened in London first on 12th June 1967. Starring Sean Connery as the original Bond, the film was also notable for the supremely chilling performance of Donald Pleasance as the villain Blofeld. Our model reproduces that Toyota complete with four working rocket launchers fired from the boat.
New Release!
Pris : 598:- US  :$59
Nr   : 007-90100

BMW - BIC - CD / LP - Corgi - DVD/VHS -Filmaffischer - Literature - Links - Spel -Swatch - Vi köper

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5 James Bond 007
March 27th 2025

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James Bond Materials© 1962 - 2007 United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo© 1962 United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo, Iris Logo, JAMES BOND and all other James Bond related trademarks - Danjaq, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright

Jamesbond-shop.com är webbplatsen för dig som vill se www.007 museum.com  och köpa James Bond 007 saker.
 Kontakta oss gärna på: 007museum@telia.com , ring till 0481-12960 .Open Daily 10.00 - 17.00 (lunch 13-14)  Sat 10.00-14.00
 Postadressen är: James Bond 007 Museum, Emmabodav.20, 382 45 Nybro, Sweden